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Adventure Awaits

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the club affiliated with Grant MacEwan University?

No, we just happen to be named after the same man. The Grant MacEwan Mountain Club was founded in 1978 by a small group of people interested in outdoor activity, particularly in the mountains. The club is named after the Honourable J.W. Grant MacEwan, a former Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, in recognition of his deep regard for the wilderness of Alberta.

Why do I have to sign a waiver/assumption of risk agreement to take part in trips?

This is part of the club's risk management strategy. It is important that people realize that there is some potential risk involved when they take part in a trip and that they are knowingly choosing to take part and assume that risk. The trips are coordinated by volunteers, and the signing of the waiver/assumption of risk agreement helps protect them and the club from being held liable should something happen. Of course trip coordinators and the club as a whole promote safety at all times, and make every effort to ensure that trip participants have a safe, enjoyable experience.

Can I bring a guest on a trip?

The GMMC encourages new membership and an openness to inviting guests to certain events. The purpose of allowing guests to attend events is to encourage future membership and provide an opportunity for others to experience the benefits of the club. To mitigate potential risk and liability to the GMMC, guests should only be allowed by the coordinator of low risk social events. Other activities require participants to be members of the club. If a coordinator is unsure of whether the criteria to allow guests have been met, they should consult with the Safety Chair and/or trip coordinator.

How do I coordinate/Host a trip?

If you'd like to become a trip coordinator and to post trips please contact

What kind of gear do I need for trips?

Please reach out to the trip coordinator of the trip you are considering, as it will depend on the season, destination and type of activity.

Where can I get gear for my trip?

The GMMC Club has some equipment available for loan to its members for sanctioned club events. Contact the trip coordinator for details. For any technical equipment, it will be the responsibility of the participant to find options for rental or purchase.

Are you guys really "hard-core"?

We are not truly hard-core, in terms of "life as a beer commercial" images of people hurtling themselves madly through the wilderness. We try to set up a variety of trips for different levels of participation, from beginner day trips to multi-day advanced trips. That gives our members their choice of involvement and activity. Trip coordinators usually encourage frequent rest stops and snack breaks. (Some can be bribed with M&Ms, jelly beans, potato chips, beer, etc.)

In what ways is the GMMC different from the Alpine Club of Canada?

We are not part of a national organization, and we do not hire professional guides for our mountaineering camps. We have lower membership fees and a larger trip schedule. We tend to be more socially oriented, however, do have a partnership with the ACC.

Where can I learn to rock climb / ski / navigate / backpack?

The club offers a number of courses and workshops, based on interest levels within the club. We also recommend other providers that can offer an appropriate course at a reasonable fee, and when the club may not have enough club members to fill a course. Contact the for more information.

Where can I find out more about climbing?

The climbers informally gather at all the indoor climbing facilities throughout Edmonton. If you would like to try out climbing please contact the Climbing Chair for a time and place to come join us!

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