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Safety Courses:

The GMMC looks to provide opportunities to its members to develop the skills required to participate in events by collaborating with trained guides to provide certified training to its members. Please check the event calendar for any upcoming courses. Members are welcome to send ideas/requests to the club president for potential group courses that could be arranged by the club.

First Aid Kits

Every outdoor event shall have a minimum of one (1) first aid kit complete with additional PPE (masks and gloves) as recommended by AHS. Please reach out to the Winter Chair for reservation of first aid kits.

Safety Equipment:

Please reach out to the Winter Chair and Summer Trips Chair for any safety equipment required for your event. (i.e. Beacons, probes, etc.) Procedure for reservation of club gear is as per the Equipment section.

**NOTE - Emergency Equipment can be tailored to your trip:

  • First Aid Kit / Survival Kit (including COVID-19 PPE)
  • SPOT or Personal Locator Beacon
  • Compass

Planning for outdoor events:

Become familiar with the proposed route(s) and any potential hazards or risks. Monitor weather and check avalanche/trail conditions (refer to Useful Links & Resources page).


  1. Do your participants know what weather to expect and will they have the appropriate gear?

Avalanche (if applicable):

  1. What are the avalanche conditions?
  2. How are the snow conditions on mountain passes?
  3. How could they change in the days you are away from cell service?
  4. What signs of changing conditions should you be looking for (Avulator)?

Trail Reports:

  1. Check the current trail reports
  2. Is there a bear in the area?
  3. Are there trail closures or active fires?

In the event of an Emergency:

  1. Use a mask and gloves for all first aid applications.
  2. Dispose of mask and gloves after use in the appropriate manner.
  3. If rescue is required, ensure the victim is masked if injuries and condition allows.
  4. Providing first aid during the COVID-19 pandemic can raise questions around safety and infectious disease transmission. As always, it is up to the First Aid responder to evaluate the situation and decide how much (if any) risk they are willing to take on behalf of another. In the case of a serious emergency, please review the Canadian Red Cross First Aid Protocols and Considerations for an ill or injured person during COVID-19. They also provide a Preventing Disease Transmission course for a small fee.
  5. Should an accident / safety incident occur:
    1. STOP & THINK:
      1. Stop - where you are not in danger
      2. Think – Determine what happened. What is the severity of the situation?
      3. Is it an Avalanche?
        1. If so, go to your Avalanche Rescue Card and complete the rescue
      4. Observe – the rest of your group. Have them gather where possible in a safe environment
      5. Plan - your next steps to safety. Plan as a group and ensure everyone is on board with the plan.
    2. ACT:
      1. Act out the plan together as a group.
      2. Ensure you have multiple stop points to reassess the plan as a collective group.
      3. Never change the plan without communicating to the full group.
      4. If you enable your Personal Locator Device, Search and Rescue will be called. (Review their website for details)
    3. FIRE:
      1. If you need to make an emergency fire, remember fire safety.
      2. Keep a supply of water or sand close by.
      3. Build your fire directly on mineral soil or on a base of green logs.
      4. Don’t build your fire right under a tree.
      5. Always ensure your fire is completely doused with water or sand before leaving the area.

Once back to safety, notify the Safety chair and complete the Near Miss/Incident Report.

Useful Links:

Refer to the Useful Links & Resources page for helpful information.

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